

如何制定战略计划 for Your Small Business
Smiling young multiracial businesswoman writing notes in notebook

When preparing for the future of your business, you should be aware of the importance of strategic plans to help keep your business on track.

Know the Differences Between a Strategic Plan and a Business Plan

商业计划 focuses on the viability of a company and typically covers no more than the upcoming year. Business plans are also regularly used in the beginning stages of starting a business and can include obtaining funding and developing all aspects of the business before getting started. 在这个阶段, you must investigate the market and establish realistic financial 目标 to create your 商业计划.

A strategic plan, on the other hand, is more conceptual and dynamic. It serves as a roadmap for your small business to reach its 目标. It allows you to gauge your company’s performance, 优点和缺点 随着时间的推移. 通过定期重新审视计划, you can analyze and update marketing, 销售, 产品开发, 操作, and revenue 目标 to achieve your desired results.


The first step in creating your strategic plan is to write your company 使命宣言. Your 使命宣言 can range from a sentence to multiple paragraphs, but it should convey your company’s purpose to 客户, 员工, 和社区.

When developing a 使命宣言, ensure the statement will answer the following questions:

  1. 你的小生意是什么? What type of organization are you creating?
  2. 你们的产品或服务是什么?
  3. 你们的目标市场是什么?
  4. 谁是你理想的客户?
  5. 谁是你理想的员工? What are the desired skills in team members?
  6. 你的长期目标是什么?

回答了这些问题之后, develop a succinct message that can be easily digested by anyone who reads it.

Set Aside Time to Re-evaluate Your Plan

To create or update your strategic plan, evaluate current operations. 定期, you should take inventory of your business and see where you’re heading, 是什么工作, 什么不是. 重新评估你的计划时, focus on the following six areas to determine the state of your small business:

  1. 你的客户

你现在的客户是谁? How would you describe your relationships with them? 你是谁? 未来的 客户? 你怎样才能吸引他们?

如何使用这些信息: Develop new products for your ideal 客户, discover new ways to connect to 客户, 或者改变你的营销努力.

  1. 您的产品或服务

你们的产品和服务是什么? 它们有何独特之处?? 它们的好处是什么?? 哪些卖得不好? What are your plans for the underperformers? Do you hear any frequent requests from 客户?

如何使用这些信息: Determine what products or services should stay in your lineup, 剩下的应该是, and what you can add to create a better experience for 客户.

  1. 你的财务表现

 After reviewing past financial statements, are your 销售 growing? What is one thing you could change to improve performance? 你如何实现这个目标?

如何使用这些信息: Take a close look at your 销售 to determine where you can either increase revenue or cut back on expenses in order to create a better return on investment.

  1. 你的操作

你的生意进展顺利吗? Do 员工 complain about ineffective processes? 如何简化操作? Are there affordable technological solutions?

如何使用这些信息: Talk to your 员工 about ways the business can be streamlined. Creating a better work environment often leads to happier, more productive 员工.

  1. 你的竞争优势

是什么让你的公司与众不同? Consider your culture, location, resources, staff, technology, and pricing.

如何使用这些信息: Discover what makes your company stand out and use those qualities to showcase why your company is so special.

  1. 你的环境

What external factors, such as investors, influence your business? 你的竞争对手是谁?? 它们是如何影响你的业务的?

如何使用这些信息: Knowing what outside factors can influence your business changes how you do business. Recognize when competitors are doing something unique and stay ahead of the curve.


After creating or re-evaluating your plan, you will notice potential areas of improvement. Pick your top 3 or 4 feasible 目标. 目标要么 定性, such as providing better customer service, or 定量,比如利润增加5%. They are usually focused on general performance, financial performance, operations, and deadlines.

With your list of objectives in hand, how will you achieve them? A good technique to examine the best solutions is scenario analysis. This entails asking “if-then” questions—if I change X, then what is the outcome? You and your team can perform a scenario analysis of each action and write the possible outcomes. These techniques will guide you to create your new strategic plan.

To learn more, watch the online workshop “制定战略计划.” For more guidance geared to your business, connect with a 皇冠现金官网的导师. 看看我们的另一个 免费资源 论战略与规划.

布丽姬特韦斯顿 is the CEO of the SCORE Association, where she provides executive leadership and works directly and collaboratively with the Board of Directors to establish the vision and direction of SCORE.
This free online workshop provides the components needed to implement a strategic plan, 比如使命宣言, 目标, 目标和行动计划.

Copyright © 2024 SCORE Association, SCORE.org

Funded, in part, through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. 小企业管理局. 所有的意见, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

