


一个精心设计的营销计划可以帮助你提高企业的知名度, 吸引更多的顾客,促进销售.

Use this guide to develop a 12-month marketing plan and integrate it into your company’s business plan.


Your plan needs an introductory section – a description of where your business stands today and how you intend to put your marketing plans in place (or change them) and what this will mean to your business the next 12 months.


  • 业务描述 -你们提供什么产品或服务?
  • 你们的市场描述 或者商业环境:
    • Are there sections of you target market that are underserved and will your product or service fill that void? 如果是这样的话, write a brief explanation of what this market is like and how your products are going to get the attention of the consumer.
    • 市场需要或重视你的服务或产品吗? 为什么?
    • Is there enough money to be made with your product or service in your target market?
    • 你需要赚多少钱才能还清你的生意?
  • 你的生意怎么样? 受益于任何独特的营销 优势?
    • 你的产品或服务已经很有名了吗?
    • 你的客户忠诚度高吗?
    • 当地的贸易组织认可你的产品吗?
  • 的 市场营销挑战 你的脸:
    • 你缺乏品牌认知度吗?
    • 你的预算有限吗?
  • 当前的 你的竞争地点:
    • 这个市场的竞争是否给你留下了竞争的空间?
    • 你的地理位置是有利因素还是不利因素?
  • 你是什么? 竞争的弱点? 你如何把这些缺点变成你的优势?
    • Your competitor’s failure to provide flexible service may be an area you can exploit.
    • 竞争是否忽视了本地市场?
  • 有没有什么可预见的 外界的影响 你的事?
    • 与你的业务相关的法律法规是否发生了变化?
    • 未来的区域建设是否会影响你目前的交通模式?


Your plan must contain some information about your customers (either existing customers or prospective customers). 你的概述应该检查:

  • 他们是谁?
  • 他们想要什么??
  • 是什么促使他们购买?

在这里, 您可以包含关于客户的简单信息列表, some basic demographic info and some more detailed information as it relates to your product, 如:

  • 年龄
  • 性别
  • 任何购买特征?
  • 我的客户通常如何购买类似的产品?
  • 谁是决策者或主要买家?
  • What is your target customer’s motivation for buying (do they want to look good, 学会存钱, 增加健康, 等.)?
  • 你的客户有什么样的习惯, 具体来说,他们从哪里获得信息(杂志), 贸易展览, 报纸, 网络, 等.)?
  • 你是否有自己想要瞄准或吸引的利基市场?
  • Are there any unifying criteria (they are all attorneys, accountants, hair dressers, 等.)?
  • 任何细节(i).e.,只有地产律师)?


Very briefly, list your company’s goals for the upcoming year: both marketing and sales goals. 把你的目标写在纸上很重要. Make sure you include elements of your business that are possible to track so you can gauge your progress.


  • 明智的
  • 可衡量的
  • 可实现的
  • 现实的
  • 具体的时间

例如, a goal of “increasing sales of accounting software” is not very specific or measurable. But a goal of “increasing sales of accounting software by 20 percent over the next 12 months” is much more specific and measurable.

Your goal section should include information about your gross sales target for your business, 你的市场营销目标以及未来发展计划.


这部分是你营销计划的核心. 它详细说明了你的营销信息, 你打算怎么推销你的材料, how you plan to achieve your marketing goals and what tactics you’ll use to meet them.

Your marketing message determines how you want to communicate your message to the customer. 你想讲述关于你公司的什么故事? 以下是你的策略中应该包含的一些关键点:

  • 你做的是什么?
  • 你的客户有什么特别之处?
  • 你如何看待潜在客户的问题?
  • 这些问题对您的客户至关重要吗?如果是,又是怎样的? 如何解决这些问题?
  • What are the benefits that customers will receive from your products or services?
  • 你有客户对你的产品或服务的评价吗?
  • What details can you give about your pricing structure for your goods or services?
  • 你愿意为客户提供什么样的保证?

Your tactics are the means that you will use to inform your customer about your business and your products. Your tactical plan will include all the steps you need to take to meet your goals. 你打算用一种特别的方式做广告吗? 你会参加贸易展览吗? 你们打算提供特价促销吗? 你的策略需要仔细说明, 带有与之相关联的日期和操作, 以及你会用什么工具来接触你的客户.

Your tactics will include the actual elements you will use to deliver your message to the customer. 当然, you want to use a method that is going to give you the highest return on your marketing dollar. You’ll use tactics that are going to get you in front of your target customer or niche market.

Which tools or medium you use should be the correct blend of market, message, and medium. 例如, if you’re marketing your Yoga fitness center and the benefits to triathlon training, 你不会把广告放在针对老年人的杂志上.


  • 传单
  • 宣传册
  • 名片
  • 礼券
  • 目录
  • 海报
  • 明信片
  • 门衣架
  • 时事通讯
  • 横幅
  • 迹象
  • 橱窗展示
  • 广告牌
  • 报纸广告
  • 电视广告
  • 商业信息广告
  • 电台广告
  • 杂志广告
  • 电影广告
  • 文章
  • 销售信
  • 媒体发布
  • 贸易展览
  • 公众演讲
  • 社交媒体
  • 在线广告
  • 慈善活动
  • 网络
  • 竞赛
  • 研讨会
  • 抽奖
  • 特别活动
  • 代理
  • 口碑
  • 分类广告
  • 黄页
  • 挨家挨户的
  • 网站
  • 电子邮件


的 last section of your plan will break down the projected expenses of your marketing efforts. 此部分包括创建的任何估计费用, 开发和分发你的材料. Your budget plan should include the estimated purchase cost of raw materials, printing and postage. 如果你打算参加任何贸易展览, 你的旅行费用, 展位费用, 安装成本加上任何其他特殊费用都应考虑在内.

You develop a marketing budget initially by simply calculating your initial marketing expenses. 一旦你把这些信息写在纸上, you can go back and either do more research or add more details to further refine your calculations.

如果你的公司已经经营了一段时间, 你知道你目前的销售产生了多少钱. You can use that information to divide into your past marketing expenses and calculate your “cost of marketing.” That will also tell you what it cost you to sell one unit or what it cost to acquire one customer. 如果你做这行时间不长, 或者刚刚开始, you can use your initial sales goals as the basis for developing your marketing budget. 当然,一旦你得到实际销售额,你就得修改这些数字.


1. Distribute ____________ (quantity of promotional effort) by ________ (medium)

2. 总成本为__________美元

3. 从而获得______新客户

4. Divide the money spent by the number of new customers: $______ divided by _____ = $______

5. 通过使用这种媒体信息来达到这个目标市场, 获得一个新客户的成本是:_______美元

6. To get _____ (goal) customers the budget would be: ____ (number of customers) x $_______ (cost per customer) = $______________

在你估计了销售一件商品或获得一个客户的成本之后, you’ll have a good understanding of how much money you should budget to increase your sales and meet your sales goals.

你的计划不应该一成不变. If you make changes to a tactic you can always update your marketing plan to reflect those changes.

A solid, well thought out marketing plan will help you focus on how you need to expend your efforts. 找到初始信息可能需要一些工作, 但一旦你有了计划, 你可以投资你的时间, 精力和动力使你的事业取得成功.


这里有一个非常有效的80/20准则,你可以使用. Invest 80% of your advertising budget and effort in proven promotions and 20% in testing new variations. Most businesses using this system continue growing, even in a highly competitive market.


确定团队中谁将负责计划好的营销工作. If you do not have the staff or knowledge in-house, consider hiring a vendor to help you. 

考虑加入一个 皇冠现金官网的导师 作为你团队的一员. Your mentor can review your plan and help you identify opportunities that you may have overlooked or help find solutions to difficult challenges.


版权所有©2024 SCORE Association, SCORE.org

部分资金来自与美国的合作协议.S. 小企业管理局. 所有的意见, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

